Tuesday 19 April 2011

youtube " Speech" By Dr Martin Luther king

Monday, April 18, 2011

Blog entry no. 2

Source: http://www youtube com/watch?v=iEMXaTKtUFA
Author: Dr Martin Luther King

Date: August 28, 1963


Eg 1: Repetition listening or listening very carefully
     2: Pause
     3: Check the vocabulary
     4: Listening as many times as I need
     5: Try to focus what he is talking about
     6: Check in dictionary if I don't know the meaning of the words


Examlpe 1 and 5 is useful way to preconcieve what the speech will relate.  The speaking is quite clear in his speech, he is speaking slowly, so its didn't make too  much trouble to catch the words.  b ut examlpe 5 do brought trouble to me it was really hard try to focus what he is talking about.  Example 2 and 3 is very helpful I used to pause and check the vocabs how many times try to understand.


These 6 strategies were using successful, I will keeping using these because it's useful for me when I used to see someone speech or watching the news.

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