Tuesday 19 April 2011

"How I use my Reading Skills"

Wednesday, 20, 2011

Blog entry no.4

Source : Text book " PREMIUM B2 Level Wook book"

Title: How I use my Reading Skills.


Example 1: Skimming
              2: Scanning
              3: Guessing words from context


Example 1 skimming It's helpful when I skim read a paragraph or an article, I do skim read I quickly read through it just to find out the main points.  I shouldn't worry about words I don't understand and I shouldn't reach each sentence slowly and carefully in an attempt to make sure I understand everything.  Example 2 Scanning, when I scan a text, I look through it in order to find the particular words or pieces of information. The key word or idea is and hunt through the text for that word or idea.  I don't need evry word of the text in order. its may help I do highlight or underline the relevant words I found.  Example 3 Guessing words from context another strategy is to break the word down.  Sometime I try to guess the meaning of words using clues in the context.


I think all the strategies are useful for me when I do use my reading skills.

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