Monday 25 April 2011

Getting Started Guide

Getting Started Guide

Second Article: Mobile Phone text messaging overuse amo ng developing world university students

Tuesday, April 24, 2011

Blog entry no. 5

Source: Bibbliographical details of the book Perry, Stephen D and Lee, Kevin C.  Publisher, South Africa, 2007

Topic:  Second Article Mobile Phone

E.g.1: Read how many times try to understand.
      2: Check in the dictionary if I don't know the meaning of the words.

Example 1 was useful, I reapted reading how many times, Even though  the articles is very much presended but I still found it very difficult to understand the language that they use very academic and techincal.  I believe that the article required the reader to take the time to understand the content, and some chapter must be read and re-read if they are relevant to the reader's situation.
Examle 2 I'd like to check the dictionary when I found some new words, I'd like to read the meaning  to make sure I understand every words It helped me to expand my vocabulary through while I was reading an article.

These two strategies I think I will keep using further on, Much to my relief, the author shows the results of his findings that there is some negative and positive side of using  mobile phone.  In the positive side, you as a user find it very handy when expecting a phone call and instead of staying home and wait all day, you can take your mobile with you anywhere you go, amazing the technology.  In the negative side of using mobile phone, it distracts you when you in classroom listening the lecture while texting at the same time to your mate, Second point you spend your money on credit without worrying about your finances as long as you happy.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

"How I use my Reading Skills"

Wednesday, 20, 2011

Blog entry no.4

Source : Text book " PREMIUM B2 Level Wook book"

Title: How I use my Reading Skills.


Example 1: Skimming
              2: Scanning
              3: Guessing words from context


Example 1 skimming It's helpful when I skim read a paragraph or an article, I do skim read I quickly read through it just to find out the main points.  I shouldn't worry about words I don't understand and I shouldn't reach each sentence slowly and carefully in an attempt to make sure I understand everything.  Example 2 Scanning, when I scan a text, I look through it in order to find the particular words or pieces of information. The key word or idea is and hunt through the text for that word or idea.  I don't need evry word of the text in order. its may help I do highlight or underline the relevant words I found.  Example 3 Guessing words from context another strategy is to break the word down.  Sometime I try to guess the meaning of words using clues in the context.


I think all the strategies are useful for me when I do use my reading skills.

Lecture " week one" (SEiP)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Blog entry no. 3

Source: I heard the cd of lecture week one (SEiP)


Eg 1: Repeat listening how many times
     2: Pause
     3: Find the meaning of words I don't know
     4: Using cd script


I reapted listening how many times so that I can understand the particular structures, Example 2 was helpful. I used pause quite often especially I was doing writing what the main key words. It's helped me to listen carefully and catch up, Example 3 was helpful I like to check the dictionary when    i don't know the meaning and try to understand.  It helped me expand the knowledge of vocabulary through listening, Example 4 is more useful, I like use cd script after finishing all at the same time.


I think I will keepimng using all these strategies step by step in the following studying. It's useful for me.

youtube " Speech" By Dr Martin Luther king

Monday, April 18, 2011

Blog entry no. 2

Source: http://www youtube com/watch?v=iEMXaTKtUFA
Author: Dr Martin Luther King

Date: August 28, 1963


Eg 1: Repetition listening or listening very carefully
     2: Pause
     3: Check the vocabulary
     4: Listening as many times as I need
     5: Try to focus what he is talking about
     6: Check in dictionary if I don't know the meaning of the words


Examlpe 1 and 5 is useful way to preconcieve what the speech will relate.  The speaking is quite clear in his speech, he is speaking slowly, so its didn't make too  much trouble to catch the words.  b ut examlpe 5 do brought trouble to me it was really hard try to focus what he is talking about.  Example 2 and 3 is very helpful I used to pause and check the vocabs how many times try to understand.


These 6 strategies were using successful, I will keeping using these because it's useful for me when I used to see someone speech or watching the news.

Driving age 18 makes perfect sense

Monday, April 18, 2011

Blog entry no.  1
Source: http: //nz _ id=1....
             New Zealand Herald

Date: Jan 8, 2010


Eg1: Read many times to understand
    2: Check in the dictionary if I don't know the meaning of the words
    3: Check the vocabuarly
    4: Pause


Example 1 and 2 are always useful for me.  The article contained key vocabulary, so I have read the vocads and find the meaning try to understand those meaning of the words.  Finally, I used Example 4 to overview the whole artile try to read and pause, think about what I been through when I read the article up to finish.

I think I will keep using these four strategies in the further studing because it's quite useful for me when I read and try to understand at the same time.  English is my second languages.